UFFDA Memorial Donations


In recent months, several families have requested that Memorial donations given in honor of lost loved ones be donated to the United Foundation For Disabled Archers in their names.  The following is a list of the donors for the past six months.


John “Brett” Mattingly Memorial Fund

Dear Mr. Hendricks - Enclosed please find checks we wish to be used as donations to the United Foundatin For Disabled Archers in Memory of my late husband, John “Brett” Mattingly.  Brent was an avid outdoorsman who loved to hunt.  In the past few years, he became most passionate about bowhunting and considered it “the most noble” way to hunt. Brent died on October 29th, 2011 while bowhunting in Daviess County Indiana.  He was 53 years old.  Although his family and I are still grief stricken and will probably remain so for a very long time, we do take comfort knowing two things:

  1. 1.    Brent died on a beautiful fall day doing what he loved most and
  2. 2.    Brent is with God.

Please use these donations in any way you deem appropriate and may God bless the work you do.

Thank you, - Renee Mattingly


Memorial Donations made by:

          Robert F. Goede

          Virginia Wallen & Susan Campbell

          D. Craig Scott D.D.S.

          Strange Family (George, Mark, Roger & Family)         

          Richard & Terri Thomas

          Helena Chemical Co by Gregory B Cliston

          Renatta R. Mattingly on behalf of cash donors

          Anthony & Mark Clark

          Dean & Charlotte Sacre on behalf of the “Ballroom Dancers”

          Helena Chemical Company Goshen & Kimmell Locations


H. James Kapelke Memorial Fund

To all UFFDA Volunteers and Faculty – I would like you to know that Jim passed away from cardiac arrest, which was a result of the triple pneumonia he was fighting the last couple of years.  I want to thank everyone for giving Jim such pleasure to be able to hunt even after he was in a wheelchair.  He thought the world of you!  Keep up the great work you do for the disabled!  He’ll be watching over your future hunts for Good Luck! He requested his memorials to go to UFFDA!  Thanks for your kindness. Janet (wife) and Josh (son) Kapelke


Memorial Donations made by:

          L. Pfaff

          Lee & Mary Ann Anderson

          Credit Dept/Quad Graphics


The entire UFFDA Family would like to offer our deepest sympathies to the Mattingly and Kapelke Families for their terrible loss.  To memorialize such a tragedy with their generous support to the UFFDA Mission is as great a compliment as we have every received.  May God bless you all as you struggle to overcome you’re personal tragedies and may the healing come quickly to ease your pain.